Like the coy ankle of an intergalactic flamingo or the beached husk of an iridescent jellyfish, Jessica Meek’s work slinks into the RCA Work in Progress exhibition like a shimmering shoal of fish. Her mounted wall piece is at once graphic and illustrative, and she hopes it will soon form part or whole of a garment. At close quarters the shapes appear spun or stitched, and are redolent of the graphic shapes of a Spirograph but from a distance they are random and contain the strange beauty of fractal geometry and plant life.
She cites armour and Spirograph as influences and there are certainly hints of the armour of an armadillo in the work! Meek has also produced a series of films describing the movement of thread around a series of pins, there is something very Tim Burton-esque in the jagged motion of the string and as the thread crisses and crosses the layered forms become complex and beautiful.
All in all a very exciting show, and already creating a buzz elsewhere, designer Fred Butler has blogged about it here.